The 4-in-1 innovative valve developed for the Energy Industry

One smart meter device that replaces several, flow, pressure, temperature (P&T) and control elements providing real-time alarms and data analysis.

Trusted by major energy players worldwide

Specially Designed for Your Industry

Integrated control valve

Highly accurate flow, pressure and temperature Sensors

Alkine concentration measurement (Hydrogen)

Option to integrate energy calculation

Proven record in boiler control and condensate distribution

Full measurement redundancy

How does the FOCUS-1 device work?

Traditional control set ups vs. Focus-1

Why energy customers trust us?

“FOCUS-1 goes beyond just regulating and measuring flow—it also helps us monitor the concentration of electrolytes in the liquid solution and reduces the number of leakage points. These added capabilities are crucial for optimizing our proces.”

Anders Haug, Senior Mechanical Design Engineer

Our Results speak for themselves

Others have used FOCUS-1 to upgrade


Alkaline electroliser control with integrated KOH concentration analyses


Steam Boiler level control


Condensate pressure regulation to boiler


Flow control of industrial heat pump to energy network


Low pressure Spray water furnace


Heat exchanger control for CO2 injection return heat

Incredible Built-in Features designed for the Hydrogen Industry

Future Starts Now!

Future Starts Now!​

A Winning Solution for an Industry resisting Change

Industry Standard


Installation and Set-up

Timely & Difficult

Quick & Easy

Measure and Control

Complex & Slow

Precise & Fast

Monitoring & Data Collection

Limited & Inefficient

Realtime & Extensive

Process Continuity & Optimalization

Non-existent & Limited

Secured & Granted

Want to learn more?

Talk with our experts!

  • Bringing Innovation to your Production
  • Transform your unit
  • Upgrade your Analysis
George Borst - BDL North Europe